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Motivation Monday ~ Acts of Kindness and Love

Spread Kindness & Love

We hope your week is off to a great start! If you need some new workout or recipe ideas, check one of our older posts 🙂

Today I want you to take a few minutes and think about the little things that people have done for you that make you smile. Maybe it was saying hello to you as you passed the on the street or a cashier asking you how your day was. Whatever you think about, ask yourself why it made you happy. Was it the idea that someone noticed you, cared about you or went the extra step? We all have many reasons for what makes us feel special and loved. You may have many of these thoughts in your head after yesterday’s holiday of love and chocolate.

After you have come up with at least 5 different instances, use these as examples for the acts of kindness you can do today and throughout the week. Even one extra minute to go out of your way for someone else each day will make a  difference, not only in their lives but in yours. Studies have shown that doing positive acts of kindness bring happiness to ourselves and can help make us healthier. Everyone benefits when we lend a hand, care about something or someone. Take action today and spread the love and joy of life knowing it will come back to you as well.

For more inspiration of love and hearts, check out this amazing movement finding love in everything that surrounds us. Encounters of the Heart

Health & Happiness

Kacie & The GFFI Team


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